3 beds, Semi-detached
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Assisted move

Found an Ashford Home that you love but your home isn’t on the market yet? Have no fear, we are here to help with our Assisted Move service.Assisted Move is offered on a case by case basis, whereby we agree to hold the house of your choice for a period of six weeks on an exclusive basis.During this period, we will arrange for independent valuations on your property to be carried out and advise you of our suggested listing price for your existing property. If you are happy with this price, we will appoint the best estate agents to market your property.If a buyer is found within the timeframe, we will cover the selling estate agent fees of up to 1% +VAT of the agreed sale price.Subject to full terms and conditions, please contact us for further information.

Mortgage calculator

*Please note that this is an approximate monthly payment. Many other factors will apply when obtaining a true mortgage cost.

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