Committed to managing and reducing our environmental impact...
Ashford Homes (South Western) Limited and its parent company, Doric Developments (Bath) Limited, recognise that our business has an impact on the environment and we are committed to managing and reducing that impact through the adoption of this robust environmental policy, which requires us to:
- Identify and comply with all legislation, standards and codes of practice, which are relevant to our business;
- Continue to improve our environmental performance through effective communication, provision of staff training and adoption of best techniques available;
- Use energy and fossil fuels efficiently in order to reduce our carbon emissions;
- Prevent pollution incidents;
- Reduce the amount of waste generated by our activities, sites and premises and reduce the percentage that is sent to landfill;
- Conserve water by reducing demand at our sites and premises;
- Be a respectful neighbour by minimising the impact that our activities, sites and premises have on local communities;
- Protect and, where feasible, enhance biodiversity on sites and premises where we hold responsibility or can influence those that do;
- Seek to influence our clients to adopt, and our designers to provide, solutions that benefit the environment;
- Promote, as far as is practicable, responsible sourcing and the purchase of materials and services that, through their use, sourcing or manufacture, have the least harmful effect on the environment;
- Minimise the need to travel, but, where travel is unavoidable, use modern and efficient modes of transport;
- Work with our Supply Chain to help them improve their own environmental performance.
Senior management will review this policy annually and establish environmental objectives and targets that are consistent with the company’s vision.
Our Environmental Policy Statement will be communicated to all staff and members of our supply chain and will be published on the Ashford Homes (South Western) Limited website.